Sunday, January 30, 2011

Cloth Diaper Trial

Did I mention that I did a 3 week cloth diaper trial?

A website called does a 21 day cloth diaper trial. They let you try several different kinds of cloth diapers, use them, wash them, and then send back what you don't want for an almost full refund. They give you everything but $10 back.

We wanted to use cloth diapers because, in the long run, they save a lot of money. The kinds we ended up buying are all-in-ones that kids can wear up to 35 pounds. At first the mention of cloth diapers kinda scared me... "you mean I have to wash diapers? gross, why can't we just buy disposables and throw them away?" BUT I am already doing laundry every day so what's one
extra load? It hasn't been bad at all. And they don't stink any worse than disposables. It's one less trip to the dumpster, and two extra steps to the washing machine. NBD.

The diapers are SUPER CUTE on him and come in FUN colors. He has different shades of blue, green, yellow, white, red, orange. Yay! The kinds we have are BumGenius 4.0 One-Size Pocket, FuzziBunz One-Size Pocket, and Smartipants. (They aren't the old fold and pin system... they look like disposables and all you do is stuff
an insert and then snap or velcro them onto the baby... no folding required.)


I didn't think I would be such a supporter of cloth diapers, but I have been converted. Don't get me wrong, I do like disposables for certain occasions (trips, when all cloth are dirty, babysitting, etc.), but 95% of the time, I'll be using cloth.


  1. Wow, that sounds interesting....everything I have ever heard about cloth diapers has been negative and I have been waiting to see what you thought. I know you will save in the long run, but what was your initial investment for these diapers? About how many did you have to buy and where did you get them? I am seriously debating doing this myself.

  2. So exciting that you've liked them! My cousin uses g-diapers. And I've also got a friend that bought g-diaper equivalents from etsy... says they're just as great!

    So-- what's this I read about you moving? What's the occasion? When's the move?

  3. Glenda... hope you got my email!

    Katrina... yes, it looks like we are going to be moving in August up to northern Idaho. We knew that the northwest was going to be in our future, but we decided August is the time to go when our lease is up here. Some good friends are up there (who happens to be David's business partner) so they can work together too.

  4. Babysitting huh? As I recall a certain babysitter was trained on this whole cloth diaper system... I know I complain, but I'm just kidding. Cloth diapers are awesome! Still warming up to the cloth wipes....

    By the way, Utah is cooler than Idaho...
