Crazy! We go in for his check up on Friday and will get his stats. Ahhhh, my boy. So cute.
He likes to roll all over the place and is what I'll call "pre-crawling". Very vague, but hey. He gets up on his knees and tries to scoot. He hasn't figured out what to do with his hands in crawling.
He babbles.
He has a favorite monkey.
He plays in his little exercise, activity, bouncer seat thing (whatever you call those).
He's learning sign language. :)
He eats 2 and a half "table food" meals a day; usually oatmeal, fruits, veggies, and rice cake things for babies. (Which by the way are a great way to distract him and make him feel included at the table when big David & I are eating dinner.)
He wants to drink everything we do. He tries to drink out of our glasses and looks like a cat lapping at the water. Ha!!
He's SUPER cute! If you didn't keep him, I'd take him. ;)